Judul : Minutes: Allegany County Ways & Means Committee minutes - Oct. 28, 2019
link : Minutes: Allegany County Ways & Means Committee minutes - Oct. 28, 2019
Minutes: Allegany County Ways & Means Committee minutes - Oct. 28, 2019
October 28, 2019
Committee Members Present: P. Stockin, P. Curran, D. Decker, D. Fanton, S. Havey, D. Healy, J. Hopkins, D. Root, C. Crandall
Others Present: L. Ballengee, G. Barnes, J. Budinger, J. Burdick, M. Denhoff, W. Dibble, K. Dirlam, K. Francisco, V. Grant, K. Graves, B. Harris, J. Henry, E. Kayes, C. Knapp, M. Miller (Wellsville Deputy Supervisor), K. Monroe, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, T. Ross,
Media Present: C. Potter, The Spectator
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:01 p.m. by Ways & Means Committee Chairman Philip Stockin.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Legislator Decker, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried to approve the minutes of the October 15, 2019, Ways and Means Committee meeting.
A motion was made by Legislator Decker, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2019, Ways and Means Committee meeting.
Mortgage Tax Apportionment
Clerk of the Board Brenda Rigby Riehle reported that the mortgage tax figures for the period April 1, 2019, through September 30, 2019, have been received and the apportionment to the towns and villages has been calculated. Mrs. Riehle requested a resolution approving the apportionment of mortgage tax to the tax districts and authorizing the warrant. The request was approved on a motion by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Payment of Mortgage Tax Fees to Towns and Villages
(Collection of fees was authorized by Resolution No. 214-2004 pursuant to Section 262 of the Tax Law)
Clerk of the Board Riehle requested a resolution authorizing the payment to the towns and villages of the Mortgage Tax fees retained by the County Clerk’s Office to cover the necessary expenses incurred for the period April 1, 2019, through September 30, 2019, in the administration of the Mortgage Tax Program. The amount of $25,103.42 should be appropriated from A1410.432 (County Clerk – Contractual) and distributed to the towns and villages as summarized on the attached Memorandum of Explanation. The request was approved on a motion by Hopkins, seconded by Root, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Acceptance of Annual Underwriting Earnings from NYMIR
Mrs. Riehle also requested a resolution accepting a check in the amount of $1,056.82 from New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal (NYMIR) representing a return of annual underwriting earnings. The return of these earning was authorized by Chapter 433 of the Laws of 2016. NYMIR indicated that they are confident that these operating earning amounts will continue to grow in future years, noting that these returns demonstrate the strength of NYMIR, which continues as the largest and most successful example of municipal cooperation anywhere in New York State. County Treasurer Terri Ross confirmed that the funds only have to be accepted and not appropriated. Prepare Resolution
Legislator Dave Decker commented on how well things are managed at NYMIR.
Board of Elections – Early Voting Aid to Localities Grant
On behalf of the Board of Elections Commissioners Michael McCormick and Brent Reynolds, County Treasurer Terri Ross requested a resolution to accept and appropriate a $28,000 Early Voting Aid to Localities Grant from the New York State Board of Elections. The funds should be appropriated to A1452.201 (Early Voting Aid to Localities Grant – Office Equipment) and revenue account A1452.3089.BOE2 (State Aid – Early Voting Aid to Localities Grant BOE01-C004072-1110000). Legislator Karl Graves asked if this is a one shot deal, and County Treasurer Terri Ross confirmed that it is, and that it was a lump sum allocation spread across the state. Legislator Mike Healy commented that we have to take what we can when we can. The request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
CONXX Smart Technologies Contract
County Attorney Carissa Knapp requested a resolution approving a three-year extended warranty agreement with Conxx Smart Technologies which includes Prime Extended Warranty and Support as well as a RFU Software update fee and support to bring all of the radios up to the current version. The cost to bring the radios up to the current version is almost $12,000. The first year will run through December 31, 2020, and has been pro-rated to begin immediately at a cost of $17,926.50. Year two and three will be $14,341.20 each.
Attorney Knapp’s request included a request to appropriate funds from the E911 Reserve account to fund the upgrades needed for the E911 Tower Project. The total needed is estimated at $29,500, and $5,500 is available for use out of a NYS Homeland Security Grant – sale of equipment revenue approved per Resolution No. 284-18 and appropriated by Resolution No. 24-19 into account A3645.217. The balance of the cost estimate is requested to come out of the E911 Reserve Account.
A14.511.05 Appropriated Reserve – E911 Surcharge Reserve $24,000
(Reserve Account A889.0005 which has a current balance of $254,000)
A3020.203 (Public Safety Communication – Equipment) $ 6,500
A3020.404 (Public Safety Communication – Main. Cont.) $17,500
Legislator Dwight Fanton inquired if 911 is contributing from their funds, and County Treasurer Terri Ross confirmed that they are. Ms. Ross also noted that the funds for the maintenance agreement for 2020 have already been budgeted for next year. The request was approved on a motion by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Contract for Snow & Ice Removal and Mowing at Crossroads Facility
Committee members reviewed bids for snow and ice removal as well as mowing and trimming at the Allegany County Industrial Development Agency Crossroads Facility. County Attorney Knapp stated that an addendum was done this summer so that snow and ice removal and mowing and weeding are now a County responsibility so that we can act as a pass through for some grant money. If the grant money is not available, we will go back to sharing the expense. A motion was made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried to enter into an agreement with Snow Hill, Inc., the low bidder, for snow and ice removal and mowing/weeding for a term of five years at the following rates:
Mowing and Trimming | ||
Year | Per Trip Mowing and Trimming | Per Trip Weeding |
2019-2020 | $245 | $118 |
2020-2021 | $245 | $120 |
2021-2022 | $249 | $120 |
2022-2023 | $249 | $120 |
2023-2024 | $255 | $122 |
Snow and Ice Removal | |||||||||
Year | Per Trip Driveway/Parking Lot | Per Trip Sidewalk | |||||||
Plowing | Salting | Plowing | Salting | ||||||
2019-2020 | $277 | $197 | $94 | $56 | |||||
2020-2021 | $285 | $202 | $97 | $58 | |||||
2021-2022 | $290 | $206 | $99 | $59 | |||||
2022-2023 | $294 | $210 | $101 | $61 | |||||
2023-2024 | $297 | $213 | $103 | $63 |
Funding for the Land Bank
Committee members reviewed a letter from Allegany County Land Bank Secretary H. Kier Dirlam requesting $50,000. County Treasurer confirmed that we did budget $100,000 (A8666) for the Land Bank in 2019, and we previously gave them $30,000. Mr. Dirlam indicated that they would not be requesting the additional $20,000. Allegany County did not allocate any money to the Land Bank in 2018; however, we did finance the cost of some demolitions. The request was approved on a motion by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. (Voting No: D. Decker) Prepare Resolution
Planning & Economic Development Committee
Employment & Training Director Reita Sobeck-Lynch requested a resolution transferring funds within the following appropriation accounts to balance the TANF grant for 2019 that ended on September 30, 2019:
From Account No. To Account No. Amount
CD16794.101 TANF Staff Regular Pay CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies $ 625
CD16794.103 TANF Staff Premium Pay CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 500
CD16794.105 TANF Staff Vacation Pay CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 295
CD16794.401 TANF Postage CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 135
CD16794.402 TANF Mileage CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 610
CD16794.413 TANF Rentals: Personal Prop CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 61
CD16794.414 TANF Rentals: Real Property CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 56
CD16794.416 TANF Telephone CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 179
CD16794.419 TANF Printing/Microfilming CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 50
Ways & Means Committee minutes October 28, 2019 Page 4 of 5
CD16794.424 TANF Legal Advertising CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 100
CD16794.474 TANF SYEP Contracts CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 1,800
CD16794.802 TANF Retirement CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 490
CD16794.803 TANF FICA CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 136
CD16794.805 TANF Disability CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 55
CD16795.804 TANF Part. Workers Comp CD16794.408 TANF General Supplies 272
CD16795.804 TANF Part. Workers Comp CD16794.803 TANF FICA 103
CD16795.804 TANF Part. Workers Comp CD16794.806 TANF Hosp/Med Ins 321
CD16795.804 TANF Part. Workers Comp CD16795.101 TANF Part. Regular Pay 458
CD16795.804 TANF Part. Workers Comp CD16795.802 TANF Part. Retirement 1,768
CD16795.804 TANF Part. Workers Comp CD16795.803 TANF Part. FICA 23
TOTAL = $8,037
The request was approved on a motion by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Funding for Wellsville Municipal Airport
Committee members reviewed a letter from the Town of Wellsville requesting that Allegany County contribute $50,000 for 2019 and another $50,000 in 2020 to help ensure the continued improvement and expansion of the Wellsville Municipal Airport. Ways & Means Committee Chairman Phil Stockin stated that he would like the requests considered separately. First consider a motion to see if we want to contribute to the airport, and then address the amount and whether it would be for one year or two. A motion was made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried in favor of making a contribution to the Wellsville Municipal Airport. Legislator Philip Curran commented that he thought the amount was already determined, and Ways & Means Chairman Phil Stockin stated that they requested the $50,000 for the next two years, but we are under no obligation to give them that amount. Several people spoke about the benefits of the airport. Legislator Brooke Harris asked for clarification on where the money will be coming from. County Treasurer Terri Ross stated that any money we provide will be coming from Contingency (A1990.4). Although we only have approximately $60,000 left in discretionary funds in our Contingency account, $500,000 was set aside for economic development which included $50,000 for the airport. Currently no funds have been budgeted for the airport in our 2020 Budget.
Attorney/Client Session
A motion was made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried to enter into attorney/client session at 1:26 p.m. Immediately following discussion at 1:37 p.m., a motion was made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried to end the attorney/client session and return to the regular meeting.
Funding for Wellsville Municipal Airport (Continued)
Legislator Harris remarked that for him personally, it seems like really bad optics to increase the County tax rate while simultaneously creating a new expense. The airport has a balanced budget. Olean allocates $17,000 or $18,000 to their airport, and that seems more reasonable. Legislator Gary Barnes stated that the request from Wellsville is nothing more than a department asking for a grant. They are asking for the money to help maintain their facility, and we don’t have a single employee that doesn’t end up costing us more than $50,000 a year. Legislator Janice Burdick countered that we are not a granting agency to anybody. The airport did not budget for the $50,000 from the County, and she would object to helping them in 2019. Wellsville Deputy Supervisor Mike Miller stated that the Airport budget must be balanced every year, and it is taken directly from the town. They did not budget for the $50,000 because they did not assume that they would be getting it. Mr. Miller briefly explained their staffing levels at the airport as well as the projects and equipment for 2019, noting that they are also in the design phase for the runway rehabilitation which will be constructed in 2020. District IV Legislators (Barnes, Graves, Havey) spoke in favor of the request noting that it benefits the entire County. Legislator Harris commented on some of the differences and changes between the letters requesting funding, and Chairman Curt Crandall stated that the request has been refined, and it was originally a request for $90,000. A motion was made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried to issue one $100,000 check to the Town of Wellsville for the Wellsville Municipal Airport. The $100,000 represents $50,000 for 2019 and $50,000 for 2020. The resolution should include a $100,000 budget transfer from A1990.429 (Contingency) to A5610.465 (Airport – Contractual) Prepare Resolution
Good of the Order
Majority Leader Dwight "Mike" Healy announced a caucus in Room 220 at 1:50 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Rigby Riehle, Clerk of the Board
Allegany County Board of Legislators
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